
The Football Factory Indoor Soccer League

The Football Factory offers year-round indoor soccer leagues for all players: Youth to Adult, Male, Female, & Coed. Divisions are offered for all ages and abilities, beginner to advanced and recreational to competitive. Organized leagues start at the U6-U12 level and are offered through adult.

Year-Round Sessions 

Fall Session #1-October 2, 2023 $475 + $15/ref fee per game (6 games)
Fall Session #2-November 13, 2023 $545 +$15/ref fee per game (6 games)
Winter Session #1-January 8, 2024 $545 + $15/ref fee per game (6 games)
Winter Session #2- February 19, 2024 $545 + $15/ref fee per game (6 games)
U6 Coed Sunday mornings, Wednesday afternoons 2018
U8 Coed Sunday mornings, Wednesday afternoons 2015
U10 Girls Sunday afternoons, Wednesday afternoons 2014
U10 Boys Saturday afternoons, Wednesday afternoons 2014
U12 Girls Sunday afternoons, Wednesday afternoons 2012
U14 Girls Saturday afternoons/early evenings 2010
U14 Boys Friday evenings (as early as 4pm start), Saturday afternoons/evenings 2010
Middle School Coed Saturday late morning/early afternoon, Thursday afternoons (as early as 4pm start) Grades 5-8
U16 Girls Sunday afternoons/evenings 2008
U16 Boys Friday & Saturday evenings 2008
U19 High school Girls Sunday afternoons/evenings 2005 and still in high school
U19 High school Boys Sunday mornings 2005 and still in high school
High school Coed Monday evenings Grades 9-12
Women 25+ Monday evenings Born on/before the first day of the session in 1999
Men 18+ Monday & Tuesday evenings Born on/before the first day of the session in 2006
Men 30+ Tuesday evenings Born on/before the first day of the session in 1994
Adult Coed Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday evenings Men: Born on/before the first day of the session in 1999
Women: Born on/before the first day of the session in 2005 and out of high school

Indoor Soccer

Indoor soccer is played with a running clock and substitutions are made on the fly.  The ball can be played off the walls making for a fast paced game with less stoppage, more touchees, and more FUN! The speed of play enables  players to develop quick reflexes and requires them to work on ball control and team skills.  Skills improve rapidly which translates to better skills when players return to the outdoor game.

All games are played at The Football Factory.  Teams and individuals register in their appropriate age group and once a week, for one hour, teams play a game against a scheduled opponent. Games run on schedule!  Each age group plays on their own designated day each week.  The Football Factory provides the scheduling, referees, and awards.

Consider playing, coaching, or managing a team!  Sessions run year round and teams can be made up of players from any town.  Both youth and adult leagues are very popular and beginners are always welcome. It's fun, as well as a great work out, stress reliever, and a social outlet.

U-6 to U-12 Soccer Leagues

The U-6 to U-12 leagues offer exciting, low pressure games.  They are geared for children ages  5 to 12 who are looking for game situations rather than for a clinic atmosphere.

Leagues for U-6 to U-12 are organized just like the older age groups.  Scores are not kept at this age with the intention of placing the emphasis on skill development, confidence, and fun rather than on the game's outcome.  This encourages the players to enjoy the experience while learning to play as a team rather than focusing on the outcome of the games.